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“Supporting Israel In Its Time Of Need!”  

10/23/2023 10:08:01 AM


Dear Haverim,


I’m sure that all of us have been reading and watching the news, hour by hour, minute by minute, and feeling shock, anger, and despair.


As the numbers have risen from 100 dead (horrible enough!) to 200 to 500 to more than 700 (as I am writing this letter), we cannot believe our eyes and ears.  More than seven hundred Israelis brutally murdered on the street, at a music festival, in their homes and more – women, children, seniors, Holocaust survivors, Americans and Israelis – how could this happen!


Thousands of Israelis have been wounded and over 100 have been kidnapped and taken to Gaza, as we all shudder to imagine what could happen to them there.


The 700+ murdered Israelis are the equivalent of more than 25,000 Americans!  If it happened here, we would react with even greater solidarity and anger than we did on September 11.


When Ruti and I spoke to our cousins in Israel on Saturday night and Sunday, they sounded weary.  Some of them have children in the IDF, and they are frightened.  They asked: when will this violence end? 


Jews around the world must now be united behind Israel, especially because we also know that Israel may be judged harshly by the nations of the world, because of what it intends to do in Gaza.  There will be so much violence and death for both Palestinians and Israelis.  Nonetheless, Israel needs to get back its citizens who were taken hostage and it needs our support.


Let’s hope that the “unlearned” lessons of 1967, 1973, 1982 and so many other battles will finally be learned. There is no way for either side to ignore the road to peace.  It’s just going to take a lot longer to get there.


I know that we, together, in University Synagogue will continue to discuss our pain and loss and that we will sometimes feel overwhelmed. 


Last night, I was on Zoom with a hundred University Synagogue members as we shared information, fears and hopes. (Click here for the recording.)  It was an extraordinary example of how being part of a synagogue community can comfort all of us at a terrible time of shared grief and anxiety.  We are planning a service on Sunday morning for everyone, especially for families.  Let’s join together – both young and old – to comfort and be comforted.


People asked where to contribute, now, for a better future for Israel.  Consider the New Israel Fund and Americans For Peace Now.  Both have a long and vetted track record in helping Israel build a safer and more inclusive future.  We will also list additional charities in our weekly newsletter.  Also, please call and write your Israeli relatives and friends – they need our support during this traumatic time.


The creation of the State of Israel has been the most incredible project of World Jewry in 2000 years.  As the Torah tells us: “Be strong and courageous.”  We will be, and we will also search for every opportunity for peace.


Finally, on another issue, please join us this Friday evening at 7:00 p.m., when we’ll gather for Shabbat services and a docent-led tour at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa.  With the Shabbat theme of “Saving The Planet Begins With Us,” we’ll learn about climate change and what we can do about it, as we tour “sustainable homes of the future,” brought to Orange County by University Synagogue member Professor Fred Smoller.  (Entry is free, parking is $12/car; enter through Main Gate #1, and park in Lot I.  More specific directions will be sent to those who RSVP.  To RSVP, click here. The OC Fair and Event Center is at 88 Fair Drive in Costa Mesa.)


The Orange County Sustainability Decathlon showcases innovative and market-ready model solar powered homes that address climate change and California’s housing needs.  The homes are judged on sustainability, resilience, architecture, interior design, engineering, construction, market potential, innovation, energy efficiency, water use, conservation, health, comfort, lighting, and appliances.


Have you ever wanted to see the future?  Then join us this Friday evening. 


Keep supporting Israel.  As Rebbe Nachman has reminded us: “The world is a very narrow bridge and the most important thing is not to be afraid.”


Zichronam livracha/May the memory of our beloved Israeli brothers and sisters be for a blessing,



Rabbi Arnie Rachlis


Fri, October 18 2024 16 Tishrei 5785