“It’s Time To Introduce Judaism To A Wider World.” Please Join Us This Friday Evening When Rabbi Stephen Einstein Leads Services And Speaks On Welcoming Non-Jews To Jewish Life!
05/13/2024 04:15:07 PM
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Dear Haverim,
One of the most significant phenomena of the last half century of American Jewish life has been “Outreach.” We Jews began to realize that we have ethical teachings, spiritual insights and worldly wisdom that can help not only Jews to navigate reality, but everyone. And, so, without missionizing, we overcame our previous reluctance to enter the marketplace of universal ideas and ideals and began to teach the larger community through “Introduction To Judaism” courses like our own BJB (Basic Judaism and Beyond – thank you Carol Richmond!). These courses educate “born Jews” to a more vibrant and sophisticated Judaism, and non-Jews to a way of life for them – either leading to conversion or to a more meaningful life without formal conversion.
On Friday, May 17, at 7:00 p.m., Rabbi Stephen Einstein, Founding Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation B’nai Tzedek in Fountain Valley, will lead services and speak on the topic “How Outreach Enriched My Rabbinate And Gives Me Hope For The Future.”
Rabbi Einstein was born and reared in Southern California, and is a cum laude-Phi Beta Kappa graduate of UCLA. He was ordained at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, where he also earned his doctorate. Mentor to many rabbinical students, in recognition of his years of service, the College-Institute also awarded him an honorary doctorate.
Rabbi Einstein was Vice President of Member Services of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, having previously served for 12 years on the Conference’s Ethics Committee, 6 years as Chair. For many years, he also sat on the Ethics Process Review Committee. He is Past President of the Pacific Association of Reform Rabbis, the Orange County Board of Rabbis, and the Orange County Bureau of Jewish Education. He is currently on the Board of CSP (Community Scholar Program) and the Anti-Defamation League. He was the recipient of the American Jewish Committee’s Micah Award for Human Relations, and, in 2014, the Orange County Human Relations Committee tendered him their Legacy Award. Rabbi Einstein is a gifted rabbi, beloved by his congregation, with incredible wisdom and experience. (Click here to RSVP.)
We thank Rabbi Einstein for his inspiring leadership in opening Judaism up to the world.
Today is Yom Ha-Zikaron/Memorial Day and tomorrow is Yom Ha’Atzmaut/Independence Day in Israel and for all of us around the world. At this difficult time of tension for Israel, we mourn for those who have died and look forward to more hopeful days of peace, safety and security.
May our dreams be realized “bimhayra v’yamenu”/speedily in our day,
Rabbi Arnie Rachlis
Thu, January 2 2025
2 Tevet 5785
About Rabbi Arnie Rachlis
Rabbi Arnold Rachlis has been the spiritual leader of University Synagogue since 1991, guiding us since 1987 from a small havurah looking for a more modern approach to Judaism to a 600+ families center for dynamic and innovative Judaism. He leads with a focus on a humanistic philosophy that sees God not as a supreme being, but as inspiration, creativity, conscience, consciousness and motivating us toward human growth and social justice. Rabbi Rachlis has created a joyous environment which affirms individuality and is inclusive – men and women, gay and straight, Jewishly learned and not, Jewish and not Jewish – welcoming all to learn, explore and connect at University Synagogue.
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