Meet Rabbi Joel Abraham
We are pleased to welcome you to come meet Rabbi Joel Abraham, a candidate for our Interim Rabbi role.
Rabbi Joel N. Abraham grew up in New Jersey, where his father was the Rabbi of Temple Beth El and he was active in JFTY. He co-founded a Reform Jewish student organization in college and worked for our region's youth movement and Mitzvah Corps. He holds a BA in History from Yale, an MA in Modern European History from Columbia, and an MAHL from Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles. Ordained at HUC-JIR in New York, he studied at the Jerusalem, LA, and NY campuses and is currently enrolled in a Doctor of Ministry program at the Drew Theological School.
Before becoming Rabbi at Temple Sholom (now in Scotch Plains) in 1999, he served pulpits in California, Nevada, Virginia, and West Virginia. He is a member of the CCAR; and the Past President of the New Jersey-West Hudson Valley Association of Reform Rabbis; mazkir of the NFTY-GER Clergy team; member of the Central New Jersey Va'ad haRabbanim and the steering committees of the MetroWest Rabbis' Roundtable and the Union County Interfaith Coordinating Committee; (twice) past president of the Scotch Plains/Fanwood Ministerium and its representative on the Scotch Plains and Fanwood Joint Committee for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation; he is a co-founder and Board member of Social Justice Matters, and Board Secretary of Faith in New Jersey. He was the guest editor of the Summer 2019 CCAR Journal and, along with his wife, Michelle Shapiro Abraham, is co-author of Mishkan T'filah Journal. He received the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Martin Luther King Day of Service award in 2022 and was recently appointed a member of the New Jersey Reparations Council’s Faith and Black Resistance Committee.
Rabbi Abraham lives in Fanwood with his spouse, Michelle Shapiro Abraham, DRJE, the CEO of Gather, Inc. His eldest child Avital Devorah is a Jewish Outdoor Educator at the Isabella Freedman Retreat Center and his son Ezri Barak attends Northeastern University where he is on the Hillel Board and the Pep Band.
Rabbi Abraham looks forward to meeting us in a variety of settings throughout his weekend visit. We encourage ALL members to come and meet Rabbi Abraham. Please RSVP through the link below.
Friday, January 10, 7:00 p.m. Shabbat Services
Saturday, January 11, 10:00 a.m. Torah Study
Sunday, January 12, 11:30 a.m. Family Services